Be Bold and Courageous – but I Am Terrified!

As I have walked this journey of the faith for the past 48 years, I have learned that there are many times that God calls us to step outside of our fears and walk out our faith boldly. If we live according to our five senses, we will find ourselves being terrified and not able to walk by faith. The events of 2020 will challenge every single believer’s faith. Will we trust God in our trials? Will we believe that He is bigger than viruses, murder hornets, hurricanes, earthquakes, asteroids, politics, riots, and racism? What evidence is there in your life that demonstrates that you are walking by faith and not by sight? Is it evident in your bank statement?

As the gray developed in my beard and the hair thinned on top of my head, I have concluded that going through the struggles of life without companionship would be terrifying. I am so grateful for my wife and my church community in these days. I am grateful for the other ministers and the elders of the church as they have locked arms with me to keep me focused on those things that are important – typically not visible to the physical senses. I am struck at how the waves can so easily seem overwhelming, but if we keep our eyes on Jesus, then walking on water is truly possible. I wonder, would Peter have gotten out of the boat and walked to Jesus if there had not been others in the boat encouraging him? Peter was an extrovert. I resonate with him. I don’t think so.

Even the most introverted person needs people. God does not want mankind to live this journey of life alone. We need each other. You may be struggling with fear, debt, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, sickness, disease, cancer, or another crisis. Who are you leaning on in these days? Who is with you? Even the Creator of the universe has companionship within the Godhead and desires companionship with mankind. Jesus, by whom everything was made, sought out others to be His companions while He walked the earth. Jesus is still seeking those with whom He can dwell, sup, and commune. Why do we isolate ourselves from one another? Especially with the technology afforded to us, what keeps you from sharing your burden with others? Is it fear? Are you concerned that you will be a burden to them? We should be a burden to one another, and we should help carry one another’s burdens.

The adversary would love to prevent us from being in community. He strives to divide us from that which gives us strength. He wants to destroy us, but he knows that he needs to separate us from community, the herd, to do so. So, he stalks us as a roaring lion, hoping that the fearful will freeze and allow him to gum them to death. (Jesus defanged and declawed Satan with His resurrection.) The ministers and elders of the church would love to be your shepherds, but we need you to call out when you are afraid, hurt, struggling, or, just plain tired. I have heard that many of you have pressed into your Compass Groups in these days; please keep doing so! I have also heard that some of you have pulled away from the community of believers – please re-engage!

I love HarvestDowntown. I am fully invested in HarvestDowntown. I am dependent upon HarvestDowntown for my spiritual vitality. I believe that the church community is essential for my spiritual development. I need people to speak truth into my life, my marriage, and my other relationships. I need others to encourage me to get out of the boat and keep my eyes on Jesus. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing. And, let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds – all the more, as we see the Day approaching.

I need the Church to keep me focused on Jesus, and so do you!


Why I Stopped Tithing to the Church


Politics, Faith, and the Church